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Learn to Work with Bees - Personal Lessons from The Carolina Honey Bee Company

Beekeeping can seem a little daunting at first and the initial

investment in the knowledge, equipment and bees is substantial.

Our goal is to simplify the process and lift the veil

of mystery surrounding the amazing Honey Bee.

A Personal Lesson For You!

You can register for a session with a professional to be held at your hives or at our Apiary by filling out and submitting the form on the right.

Once we have your information, we can provide you with a quote for the lesson and make arrangements to visit your hives

If setting up a lesson at your hives, please give the address for the location of your hives because that is the location that will be used in our price quote for drive time and mileage.

Please see the pricing of our lessons below

For a Lesson at Your Hives:

First Hour of a Lesson: $60.00

Each Additional Hour of Lesson: $30.00

Round trip drive time: $25.00 Per Hour

Round Trip Mileage: $0.85 per mile driven

Bees are an investment and you need the skills to manage and protect your investment!

Personal  Information

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What You Will Learn

A lesson will consist of content ranging from the proper way to light smokers to noticing and correcting issues to deciphering the behaviors of your hives.

Typically in a two hour lesson we can go through 3-5 hives, and correct any problems and point out the important aspects of the hive all while answering any questions that you may have.

We tailor each lesson to your specific level of skill ranging from beginners to seasoned hobbyists, and with the one-on-one environment we are able to make each one-on-one lesson personal.

We look forward to setting up your next lesson, and helping you succeed with your honeybees!

Do you need any equipment?

We can deliver it when you have the lesson and save you shipping fees.

We are your ….

Master Beekeeper Connection

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